Stratford has Anglo-Saxon origins, and developed as a market town during the medievalperiod. The original charters of the town were granted in 1196, making Stratford over 800 years old. The name is a combination of the Old English strǣt, meaning "street", andford, indicating a site at which a road forded a river. The "street" was a smaller Roman road connecting the larger roads Fosse Way and Icknield Street.
In 1769 the actor David Garrick staged a major Shakespeare Jubilee over three days which saw the construction of a large rotunda and the influx of many visitors. This contributed to the growing phenomenon of Bardolatry which made Stratford a tourist destination.

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Stratford Institute es un centro de enseñanza de preparación de examenes internacionales del idima inglés, tiene una extensa trayectoria en la enseñanza del idioma, convirtiendose en el puente que el alumno necesita para su desarrollo profesional y conexión con el mundo.

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